7 schools

We are located in several cities in Sweden

Based on rigorous research on what works to maximise students’ academic progress and achievement as well as their development of social-emotional skills – we, at Nordic International School, have developed an educational concept that we call “Work hard, be kind.”

Our schools


The school was founded in the fall of 2020 and is located in newly renovated facilities on Linnégatan 5 in Kalmar.

Email: kalmar@nordicinternational.se

Telephone: +46(0)480-196 00


The school is located in newly renovated facilities on Orrhomsgatan 4 in Karlstad. The school was founded in the fall of 2018.

Email: karlstad@nordicinternational.se

Telephone: +46(0)73-434 52 59


The school was opened autumn 2023 and is located in newly renovated facilities near Orminge Center in Saltsjö-Boo.

Email: nacka@nordicinternational.se

Telephone: +46(0)70-851 6896


The school is located in downtown Norrköping with a fantastic view of the stream. The school was founded in the fall of 2017.

Email: norrkoping@nordicinternational.se

Telephone: +46(0)73-636 09 96

Stockholm (Stora Essingen)

The school was opened autumn 2022 and is located in newly renovated facilities on Segelbåtsvägen 11B with a fantastic view of the water.

Email: essingen@nordicinternational.se

Telephone: +46(0)8-410 238 88


The school is located in newly renovated facilities on Lasarettsvägen 11 in Trollhättan. The school was founded in the fall of 2019.

Email: trollhattan@nordicinternational.se

Telephone: +46(0)73-434 84 46


The school was opened autumn 2022 and is located in newly renovated facilities at Björnstjernegatan 10A in the regimental area.

Email: ystad@nordicinternational.se

Telephone: +46(0)411-24 56 85


Do you have any general questions about Nordic International School? We are happy to help you with information you need.

Email: info@nordicinternational.se

Telephone: +46(0)10-205 17 10


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